Let's Get Steady
Are you worried about falling? Or have you had a fall that has knocked your confidence, which is now preventing you from doing the things you enjoy?
Let’s Get Steady is available as a series of short films offering practical advice and guidance to help reduce the risks of falls for individuals who have had a fall, are at risk of falling due to a long-term condition or are worried about falling.
Let's Get Steady aims to raise awareness of falls prevention, support with wellbeing and empower people to make positive changes to their lifestyle, to enable them to live independent lives.

Let's Get Steady - an overview
An overview of the Lets Get Steady videos.
An introduction to Let's Get Steady
An introduction to Let's Get Steady from Jane Todd, Community Partnerships Officer at Waverley Borough Council.
What to do if you have a fall
You will find a demonstration on how to get up from a fall, which will enable you to practice and be prepared, should you have a fall.
Community alarms
This film will provide you with more information on the benefits of a 24 hour emergency call system, that helps people to live independently in their own home.
I wasn’t aware there were so many services available from the council.
Thank you – as a result of Let’s Get Steady, the safety bars in our shower are due to be fitted today and we are having a survey for handrails up the stairs.
Home environment
Often, we do not notice risks within our own environment. This film will point out some potential falls risks around the home that you may not have thought about before.
Safe and Well visits
Here, you will find out more information about the free home safety checks offered by the fire service that help to reduce the risk of fire in the home.
This film will provide you with some key facts around the importance of hydration and how being dehydrated could contribute to a fall.
The Balance Triangle
This film highlights how our sense work together to keep us safe.
I am managing very well since the session and I am no longer worried about going to the shops and walking around the neighbourhood.
I am generally more aware of trip hazards.
Medication, healthy bones and nutrition
Find out how these all play a role in helping to prevent falls in this film.
Social prescribing
If you are lonely, isolated or you are feeling anxious, you may find your usual enjoyment of life takes a knock. Here you will find out more about a service that supports with your well-being, recognising that many things affect the way we feel.
The importance of exercise
Keeping and staying active is important for many reasons, both physically and mentally. Here, you can watch two local firefighters demonstrating strength and balance exercises from the Get Up and Go booklet, which is produced by Saga and The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
Closing summary
We hoped you enjoyed Let's Get Steady and now feel empowered to maintain your independence and wellbeing.
Before doing any of the exercises demonstrated in this film, please take note of the following safety points:
- Seek medical advice for guidance regarding appropriate exercise levels and precautions after surgery such as hip replacements, or if you suffer from ongoing medical conditions.
- Remember that exercise is not without its risks.
- Do not exercise on an empty stomach or after a big meal.
- Ensure your environment is safe to partake in exercise i.e. free of trip hazards.
- Wear suitable, comfortable clothes.
- Wear comfortable flat, non-slip shoes with supportive backs.
- Make sure you have water near by.
- Exercise within your limitations; stop if you experience pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea or chest pain.
If you have any concerns, contact your GP.
Some of the films refer to documents contained in the Guildford and Waverley Falls Prevention Pack. Please note the Falls Prevention Pack has been renamed Health and Wellbeing Pack.
The full length Let’s Get Steady film is also available on DVD for those who do not have access to the internet. To request a DVD or if you have any questions regarding the information contained in the films, please email: