Our partnership
As a place-based partnership, we are responsible for arranging and delivering health and care services in the Guildford and Waverley community.
We will build resilient and empowered residents and communities through networks of stakeholders and together steer and oversee design and delivery of integrated health and care services. We will improve outcomes, respond to changing needs and extend opportunities to prevent illness in our communities. We will promote independence and support people to stay longer in their own homes.
Working in partnership
We work in partnership with local health and care organisations to plan and improve outcomes for our local population. Often working alongside:
- Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
- Surrey County Council
- Guildford Borough Council
- Waverley Borough Council
- Primary Care Networks (PCNs) x 4
- Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust
- Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Procare Health
- South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb)
- Voluntary, Community and Faith organisations
These local partnerships provide the local leadership and framework to support the delivery of integrated care at the local level, bringing all the organisations that can make this happen together to put people at the centre and achieve the best possible outcome.
The partnership is developing its priorities, reflecting the different needs of their local communities, and thinking about how they will work together to improve and join up care for local people to reduce health inequalities.
We work with our system partners to ensure our local communities are supported to start well, stay and live well, age well and die well.