The Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance Board
The Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance Board is a partnership of health and care organisations who have joined together to help address health inequalities and make a difference in helping our communities live healthier lives.
Our board and how it works
Place Partnerships are not statutory organisations, the accountability for decision making belongs to the Integrated Commissioning board (ICB). A delegated local committee for each Place Partnership is in place and consists of one or two locally elected Governing Body GPs, the Place Leader and a Lay Member, who sit on the local Place Partnership Board, with delegated authority from the Governing Body to make commissioning decisions. This ensures each Place partnership is able to reflect the priorities and needs of its local area.
The Alliance Board is committed to joining up health and care services and considering all of a person’s health, wellbeing and social care needs by looking at the wider determinants of health such as loneliness, debt and the environment.
The Board is chaired by a Non-Executive Member of the ICB Sara Hurley who holds a critical role and is involved in helping us to shape our long-term plans; ensuring the voice and needs of patients and communities are central to our discussions and decision-making. She also provides independent oversight and constructive challenge to how we do our business locally at place.
GW Alliance Board Members
- Sara Hurley, Chair, Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance Board and Non-Executive Director, NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
- Jo Cogswell, Place Based Leader, Guildford and Waverley, NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
- Louise Stead, Chief Executive, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Emma Whicher, Medical Director, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Seun Akande, Clinical Head of Primary Care, Guildford and Waverley, NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
- Sarah Church, Chief Executive, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care
- tbc, Executive Director, Surrey County Council
- Tom Horwood, Chief Executive, Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council
- Melaine Coward, Head of School, School of Health Sciences Deputy Dean, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Surrey
- Becky Jeffre, Chief Officer, Citizens Advice, South West Surrey
- Jonathan Bigmore, Chair, Finance and Resources Board and Chair, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Wendy Hale, Chair, Urgent Care Board and Area Director, Adult Social Care, Surrey County Council
- Dr Bill Jewsbury, Chair, Multi-Professional Reference Group and Medical Director, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- tbc, Chair, Impact and Insight Board