Staying connected
Social interaction is good for our brain health and can help if you are feeling lonely or isolated. There are many different ways of meeting people in your community. Please see a list of services and activities in Guildford and Waverley on this page.
Community Centres in Guildford and Waverley
Community Centres offer an opportunity to meet friends and socialise in a welcoming environment. There are various services and activities available which include chiropody and hairdressing. For more information on what services are currently available, please contact your local centre:
- The Hive Social Centre, Park Barn Drive, Guildford T: 01483 458 055
- Clockhouse Community Centre, Chapel Lane, Milford T: 01483 420 668
- Farncombe Day Centre, St John’s Street, Farncombe T: 01483 426 685
- Haslewey Community Centre Lion Green, Haslemere T: 01428 648 716
- Rowleys Community Centre, Victoria Road, Cranleigh T: 01483 277 155

Social prescribing
Social prescribing helps you with your well-being. It takes a holistic view and recognises that many things affect the way we feel. If you are lonely or isolated, or you are worrying about money or feeling anxious, you may find your usual enjoyment of life takes a knock.
Life events, like bereavement, an illness or a fall can all trigger a downward spiral in our personal well-being. Social prescribing can help to address these things by finding out what is important to you and then putting you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better.
After an initial chat on the phone, your link worker might come to see you at home or meet you for a coffee in a café or community centre, wherever you feel most comfortable.
Following this conversation, your link worker might refer you to another organisation that can support you in your situation or link you with local groups and activities to relieve loneliness and increase opportunities for social interaction.
To access this service, ask your GP or health or social care professional, (such as a community matron, an occupational therapist, or a social care assistant) to make a referral.
Community Angels
Community Angels are volunteer befrienders offering telephone befriending to anyone who might need a chat during these difficult times. Trained local volunteers support adults of all ages across Guildford Borough.
- phone: 07825 799 309
- email:
- Monday to Friday 12:00 - 14:00
Age UK Surrey
Age UK Surrey provide a wide range of activities to help older people remain independent, connected with the community, healthy and active. The activities include GO50 Walking, Men in Sheds, Tech Support, Tea and Chat and Creative things to do.
- phone: 01483 503 414
- email:
- web:
Tech to Community Connect
Tech to Community Connect provide technology, support in using technology and virtual groups to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in people with care and support needs across Surrey (including Guildford & Waverley). Aimed at people who are at the highest risk of digital exclusion; people who are Disabled, people with a long-term health condition, people with mental ill-health, carers, older people and people from black and minoritised ethnic groups.
Tech to Community Connect is a wrap-around digital inclusion service (people can pick and mix the bits they want and need). It includes:
- A device on long term loan – tablets, iPads, smartphones, smart tech.
- A ‘match’ with a volunteer Tech Angel – typically 12 weeks with training in the residents home or in the community via a one to one sessions or in small groups.
- A menu of co-designed training inputs – everything from online shopping and banking, to being active at home, having an outpatients appointment, uploading a ‘BP@home’ result to using an online pharmacy and much more.
- Access to daily social and activity groups and opportunities to become a ‘virtual volunteer’.
For more information visit the Surrey Coalition website.